Thursday, February 27, 2014

Innovations That Could Save Our Planet

Similar to the motivation behind social entrepreneurship, consumers feel more comfortable buying products from or investing in companies when they know their money is also going toward a worthy cause.  A very popular trend with forming new businesses is creating products or offering services that help preserve our environment.  So while you’re pondering your next big idea, think about ways in which common products harm the environment.  There might be a way to achieve your dream and AND help the environment.  We scoured over AngelList’s list of Environmental Innovation Startups to find a few companies that may help inspire you to consider solving the issues that plague our planet while starting your own company.

      1.     Tumml – I know it’s cliché to put the number one followed company on AngelList as my number one choice but Tumml is the epitome of lending a helping hand.  They are attempting to help guide startups that will help revolutionize the next batch of great environmentally friendly products.  It’s more of an initiative than a company but it's a great example of looking at the big picture when starting a company.  This is a mission driven business and I love that.
      2.     InnSania – this company has developed a sanitary way to reuse water in bathrooms.  It comes in the form of a module and is still in a development phase but holds great promise.  This company not only aims to providing sanitation to underprivileged companies but it also conserves water.  Any companies with a dual mission like this one always have a greater appeal.
      3.     Weekend Swap – A great way to share your outdoor toys with others while making a little money doing it.  I’m a little biased because one of the founders is Zio Ziegler, one of my favorite artists.

      4.     Synodon – Synodon has a much more serious tone then some of the other companies I featured because they have created a product that can be attached to helicopters and can sense where dangerous gas leaks may be occurring. This video will help explain.

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